Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy

Do you ever wonder why you keep repeating a pattern or find yourself struggling to get past a difficult emotion or situation? The deepest mysteries of our soul often have a way of coming to the surface in hypnotherapy. 

When we need to get to know a problem more intimately, hypnotherapy can help us explore and begin to make sense of something that may feel confusing or persistent. Have you ever found yourself asking, “I just don’t understand why I keep attracting the same kind of partner?” or
“Why can’t I ever feel confident in myself?”  When a problem, emotion, or health condition has become a new best friend, it usually means there is a root cause we haven’t connected to yet. 

What is Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy?

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy aims to clarify the source of long term patterns by going to past experiences in childhood, in utero, or past life - which have influenced your current mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual state. Processing these past experiences can alleviate and resolve the impact of these issues by removing blocks and baggage so you can heal and move forward in life in a new way.

What is a Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy session like? 


A common misconception is that you lose control, become unconscious, or get amnesia during hypnosis. This is false. Hypnosis is a natural mental state that we experience everyday. You are in hypnosis when you are daydreaming, intensely concentrating, watching television, or drifting in-and-out of sleep. You are in control and aware the entire time, and in heart centered hypnotherapy the client is an active participant communicating with the therapist during the whole session. You simply feel as you would in meditation.


A typical session begins with identifying a problem area that you would like to work on. We begin with peaceful music, guided visualization, and safety resourcing to lead you into deep relaxation. Gently, you go back in time to the source of your presenting problem and discover past connections to current issues and blocks.


The regressions you may experience in a session can be preverbal or from a conscious memory. Therefore, we pay special attention to how the body speaks to us during a session and what it’s trying to communicate. Hypnosis helps quiet the conscious thinking brain or analytical mind and allows the unconscious mind to reveal resources, insight, and wisdom that we don’t access in regular everyday life. During the regressions, old unexpressed emotions can be felt, expressed, and released. This allows for new healthier beliefs and decisions to take root. 


When we feel blocked or stuck, it’s usually a symptom of being disconnected from oneself. The healing portion of a session addresses repairs that need to be made with our inner child, disowned parts of ourselves, and past relationships. We will nurture these aspects with sacred practices in inner child bonding, reclaiming a fragmented self or soul part, cord cutting, and uniting with our core wise self and superconscious mind. 

A session lasts about 90 minutes. The benefits can sometimes be immediate and dramatic, or they can be more subtle and noticeable over time. Either way, clients are often amazed and walk away with a different perspective. 

Yes, hypnotherapy can sometimes seem wacky and weird - but it works! Whether you believe the experience to be real or not, the mind is delivering a message to you through memory or creative visualization in order to be useful. 

If you’re ready to get to know yourself on a whole new level, click here to schedule a session